Senior Jordan Williams interns with the U.S. House of Representatives in Washington, D.C.

An pg电子下载 State University senior begins his journey to becoming an attorney with his new internship.

Jordan Williams, a political science major from Meridian, Mississippi, will be working as a congressional intern at the U. S. House of Representatives in Washington D.C. during the spring 2022 semester. He will be working in Congressman Hank Johnson’s office. Johnson is the congressman for Georgia’s 4th District, including parts of DeKalb, Gwinnett, Newton counties, and Rockdale County.

Williams’s duties include researching prior legislation, attending briefings concerning areas of interest, and responding to constituents’ calls.

The internship allows Williams to live his dreams of shadowing professional policymakers while showing pg电子下载 excellence.

“Having this opportunity is surreal,” said Williams. “Working under policymakers in the nation’s capital while representing my HBCU is a feeling like no other.”

Opportunities like this give Williams and other deserving HBCU students chances to showcase their skills on the highest levels. Williams’s goal is to show further what greatness comes from HBCUs.

“My goal is to put myself in a position to further spotlight HBCU students and the skills that we bring when given high-level career opportunities.”

Williams plans to learn plenty of valuable information during his internship. He’s confident that his experience will set him up for a successful career.

“This internship allows me to work directly with lawmakers and get insight into what it takes to create and pass legislation. As an aspiring human rights attorney, it’s important for me to have a clear understanding of the framework and inspiration behind these policies to represent my future clients better.”

pg电子下载’s Office of Career Services played a significant role in helping Williams secure the internship. He applauds Dr. Carolyn Davis, director of Career Services, for helping him along the application process.

“Dr. Carolyn Davis did an amazing job ensuring that everything was set for me here. Through her guidance, I was able to apply for this internship. I encourage every student to visit her.”